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illustrations of payment methods

无论你是希望发展你的事业还是只是为了好玩而学习, 我们提供种类繁多的非学分课程,费用是你在其他机构支付的一小部分. 我们的目标是为您提供卓越的价值-廉价的课程,导致的结果,如高薪的工作, a more fulfilling life and a better future.

Noncredit Tuition and Fees

As a noncredit student, 您的费用由课程计算,您在注册时全额支付.

Costs vary by course. 我们经验丰富的教师和高质量的课程内容提供了巨大的价值. Though subject to change, 每门课程描述末尾所列的价格是总成本, including registration, tuition and supplies, lab or other fees, if any, for county residents. 县外居民需支付额外费用.

Additional Fees

住在安妮阿伦德尔县以外的学生每注册一门非学分课程需要支付额外费用. 县外费用为每门非学分课程10美元,州外费用为25美元.

位于安妮阿伦德尔县为非居民雇员/学生支付学费的企业或机构, is not subject to the surcharge.

Senior adult courses 对60岁及以上的马里兰居民有不同的定价结构吗.

Paying for Noncredit Courses

为非学分课程付费是注册过程的一部分. To register and pay, follow these simple steps:

  • Step 1 – Browse noncredit courses to find what interests you.
  • Step 2Register for your course.
  • Step 3 -支付课程费用和费用以完成注册.

Payment Methods

可用的付款方式取决于您注册非学分课程的方式. Financial assistance may be available for your noncredit classes.

Credit Card

AACC accepts American Express, Discover, 万事达卡和Visa信用卡适用于所有报名方式.

If paying with a gift card from American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa, 请在购买后120天内保留此卡(即使已全部使用)以备退款.

Check or Money Order

通过邮寄或亲自提交的注册可以包括支票,电子支票或汇票支付. There is a $25 fee for each returned check. 在两次退回支票费用后,您将不再被允许以支票或汇票支付.


现金登记只适用于亲身前往 Cashier's office in Arnold.

Noncredit Payment Plan

一些课程有资格通过Nelnet获得非信用支付计划. Visit the Noncredit Payment Plan 页面上有符合条件的课程列表和建立付款计划的一步一步指南.

Third Party Payments

如果一个组织将支付你部分或全部的非学分课程费用(例如.g., 由AACC以外的公司颁发的“助学金”或“奖学金”), 当你注册你的课程时,你必须提交一份由公司用官方抬头手写的意向书. The letter must include your name, the section ID(s), 你的非学分课程的学期和他们将支付的总金额. 确保你正确计算了你的居留身份的总费用. 您可以在完成注册后将您的意向书上传到您的学生帐户 noncredit registration system

Note: 如果企业或机构是在安妮阿伦德尔县,并承担100%的成本, 你不必为他们所涵盖的课程支付县外或州外的费用.



Other Ways to Pay for Noncredit

Noncredit Scholarships


Learn about scholarships for noncredit students.

Job Corps

就业服务团提供免费的教育和由美国政府管理的职业项目.S. Department of Labor. 这些项目旨在帮助16至24岁的年轻人找到更好的工作, earn more money and take control of their future. 每年有6万名学生参加就业团的培训. Over the past five years, 82%的毕业生开始了新的职业生涯, 被高等教育项目录取或应征入伍. 

Learn more about Job Corps.

Disability Tuition Waiver

如果您是马里兰州居民,由于完全和永久残疾而没有工作, 您可能有资格获得批准的非学分课程的残疾学费减免. Not all approved courses are offered each term.

Learn more about the Disability Tuition Waiver.

WIOA Training Funds

If you have lost your job, become a displaced or dislocated worker, or fit a number of other qualifiers, make an appointment with the Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corp. (AAWDC). AAWDC可以帮助您了解您是否有资格获得联邦劳动力投资机会法案(WIOA)的职业培训基金. 致电AAWDC 410-424-3240注册免费信息会议.

Private Student Loans

一些私人贷款只适用于信用学生, but others will consider noncredit students. 这些贷款不是联邦学生贷款项目的一部分,需要进行信用检查.

Learn more about private student loans.

Payment and Refund Policy

New and returning students may register through MyAACC, by fax, mail or in person. Payment is due at the time of registration.


非学分课程的学费在注册时到期. AACC接受美国运通、万事达卡、Visa、Discover、支票、汇票和现金. Cash is accepted only at the Cashier's office in Arnold.

Refund Policy

在第一次上课开始后,将不退还学费. 为尚未开始的非学分课程收取退款, drop the course by submitting a fully completed registration or drop form 通过传真、邮寄、亲自到我们的一个注册网站或通过MyAACC提交申请. Refer to Noncredit Course Policies 查阅有关退款及例外退款申请的资料.

Returned Checks

每次你的支票被银行退回,就要收取25美元的罚款. 我们将只重新提交一次支票,除非你方银行表明我们不能重新提交. 一旦一张支票不止一次被退回,或者你有不止一张被退回的支票被寄到你的账户, you will have to use cash, certified check, money order or credit card for all future payments.


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